Robyn checking out the view near the Snoqualime Summit, WA
Our bikes at the Snoqualime Summit, WA
Camping at the Cowby Rendez Vous, Cle Elum, WA
Stealing Popcorn at the Cowby Rendez Vous, Cle Elum, WA
The river that we camped by in Yakima, WA
They let us across the border!!!!!
Fixing a flat
First "campsite", David and Tia's, Acme, WA
View from our tent near Arlington, WA
Third night in a backyard, North Bend, WA
So right now we are on a 30 min limit on the library internet in Grandview, Washington. It is so difficult to have internet access here, unless you have a laptop.
Well after getting our bikes fixed a Cap's we set off to Langley, hoping to make it to Horia's parents place before dark...which we did...just. We had our first flat in Surrey and there was some intellegent Surrey joke that was going to be made, but I have forgotten it so Surrey gets off easy this time.
The next day we easily crossed into Washington and headed down some back roads to Acme, where we were offered a place to camp in a local's backyard...which has become the way to go since it is a)free and b)there are like no campsites anywhere. After leaving Acme we headed just south of Arlington where we knocked on doors asking if we could pitch a tent it peopless backyards...we had one refusal, but the second lady was super nice and we hung out with her dog, Dale. The third day we made it to North Bend, the summit at Snoqualime worrying us for the next day.
After passing the summit at Snoqualime we kept going to the town of Cle Elum, where we happend to see the Cowboy Rendezvous and asked if we could camp at their rodeo type thing. We spent a rest day in Cle Elum, hangin with the cowboys! From Cle Elum to Yakima was our first 100km day, not too bad at all...we went through some hilly land and it is more like the Okanagan now - and probably hotter! The Yakima Canyon was gorgeous.
Near Yakima, we cheaped out again on a campsite...and could not find one anyway...and camped out beside a lake along the bike path (somewhat illegaly). Today we headed straight along the higway until Grandview where whe had our first shower since leaving Canada...yum! What is there to say about Grandview...its a town that can be missed...NOTHING happens...
Tommorow we are hoping to leave Washington and cross through the Horse Heaven Hills into Oregon. All in all we are a lot burnt, a little tired and having a great time. Photos will have to wait until we find a place to upload them.
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Thanks for writing this.
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